What does Child Maintenance Cover

Child maintenance plays a vital role in ensuring children have the resources they need to thrive. It provides financial support from a parent who doesn’t live with the child, contributing towards their essential needs.

Supporting a Child’s Well-Being:

Child maintenance aims to contribute towards the everyday expenses associated with raising a child, ensuring they have a comfortable and well-supported upbringing. Here are some of the key areas covered:

  • Basic necessities: Food, clothing, and shelter are fundamental for a child’s well-being, and child maintenance helps provide for these essential needs.
  • Education: Child maintenance can contribute towards educational costs, including school supplies, uniforms, and extracurricular activities, fostering the child’s learning and development.
  • Healthcare: This may include medical expenses, prescriptions, and dental care, ensuring the child receives necessary healthcare support.
  • Other essential needs: Depending on the child’s specific circumstances, child maintenance may also contribute to additional needs like reasonable travel expenses for contact arrangements or maintaining a child with a disability.

Working Towards a Shared Goal:

It’s important to understand that child maintenance is not intended to fully replace the financial role of the parent who doesn’t live with the child. It acts as a supplementary contribution to ensure the child’s essential needs are met, fostering a sense of shared responsibility between both parents.


The goal of child maintenance is to support the child’s well-being by ensuring they have access to essential resources. By understanding what it covers and seeking guidance when needed, both receiving and paying parents can navigate this process with clarity and purpose.

Child Maintenance Calculator